Different types of lighting

Directional Lighting

Task Lighting

Ambient Lighting

Hanging Pendant Lamps / Chandeliers

Bic Pen Chandelier by En Pieza

Cola Bottle Lamp by Sarah Turner

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Clothes Hanger Chandelier by Luis Teixeira

Pop Pendant Light by Mauricio Affonso

Recycled Coffee Stirrer Lamp by Studio Verissimo

Philips Ledino Suspension Light

Floor Lamps

Urchin Lamp by Molo

Traffic Cone Light by Laura Haaker

Task Lamps

Leaf Lamp by Yves Béhar

Equo Desk Lamp by Koncept

Ledino Desk Lamp by Philips

Seagull Light by QisDesign

Table Lamps

Paper Tube Light by Ruth Oh

Crystal Lamp by QisDesign

Ledino Table Light

Bedroom Lighting Tips

Kitchen Lighting Tips

Hanging a Dining Room Chandelier

Green Lighting 101 >

  1. Proves that you’re a leader and a roll model
  2. Demonstrates that beauty is more than skin deep
  3. Gives you something to talk and/or brag about at cocktail parties
  4. Shows your good taste, common sense, and innate intelligence
  5. Helps promote a new, sustainable economy
  6. Protects the kritters large and small
  7. Proves you’re cool for keeping the planet cool
  8. Shows the Kiddies that you care
  9. Just plain good Karma
  10. Makes you feel good all over

What It Isn’t

What It Is